Sponsorship Information
FC Dallastown Soccer Club 2019/2020 Sponsorship Proposal
Dear Potential Sponsor,
Thank you for taking the time in reading our sponsorship proposal for the 2019/2020 campaign of the FC Dallastown soccer club. Please see the below proposal of potential opportunities we have available to help develop a strong relationship between our family orientated club of 400-500 players and 1400 members and your organization. We believe this is a great opportunity as not only will it provide great exposure to advertise your company across the Pennsylvania region, but also locations including Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, and beyond during our tournament play.
Please take the time to read our proposal and if you have any questions or would like to discuss which of these proposals may best suit your company please do not hesitate to contact us at president@dallastownsoccerclub.org . If you are able to support our club in other ways or are interested in other options in which we may assist in promoting your business, we are very open to entertain any proposals that may better suit you and our club.
Additional information on our club and programs are available on our website at https://fcdpa.org/club-info/
andhttps://fcdpa.org/programs/ .
We would love to have your company as the sponsor of FC Dallastown Soccer club! We look forward to hearing from you and working closely with your organization in the near future.
Kind Regards,
FC Dallastown – Board Members
Full Year, Fall Season, Spring Season and Tournament sponsorship opportunities available at the club and team levels
- We are open to any offer but here are just a few examples of ways to help our program.
- Supplement to Regular season league fees (Fall, Winter, Spring)
- Supplement to uniform costs
- Supplement to Tournament fees.
- Supplement to Field rental fees.
- Supplement to Training equipment.
- Supplement to Tournament fees.
- Tournament jerseys for participating players.
- Logo on team home page.
- Logo on end of season awards and pictures
- Supplement to Junior Academy League Fees.
- Logo on Junior Academy Jerseys
OUr SPonsors
Dick's Sporting Goods

Dicks Event Flyer
DICK’S Sporting Goods –YORK
Bring the flyer linked above to receive 20% off throughout the store* or
Redeem the online code for 20% off select Team Sports and Cleats
More Sponsors Coming