The Name

Name Change to FC Dallastown

We are incredibly proud of our new FC Dallastown name and the design of our logo. It reflects the very exciting time of renewal and growth our club is embarking on.  As we constantly evaluate what we need to do to take the club to the next level, it is appropriate that we have a new name and logo that reflects our tradition but also represent the present and future of the club.

We have taken massive strides with our club this year both on and off the field and plan to continue with improvements in the coming months and years.  We feel that continuing on this path will ensure we are and remain a major force in southeastern Pennsylvania soccer and one of the best values in soccer period.

The Name

When we undertook the task of reviewing the club’s identity and its brand values it was clear to us that there needed to be a stronger reference to the club’s high level of player development and performance.  The result was a new club name and logo that everyone involved with the club should be proud of.

The ”FC” stands for “Football Club” and is a nod to the European influence on the sport.  Top clubs in Spain and England use FC at the beginning or end of their names (examples include Chelsea FC and FC Barcelona).

NOTE:  The name “Dallastown Soccer Club” is still the legal name of the club in doing business. It should not to be used in any sporting references to the club or its teams.

The Logos

The name in the logo is created using a specially configured typeface.  The font is italicized to symbolize the movement of the club – always moving forward for the betterment of the club. 

The crest only receives minor changes at this time to include the FC Dallastown name.  It continues to have the wildcat which represents our local heritage and a nod toward European football, as well as the football/soccer ball represents the sport that our club plays and helps further define the term FC.

The Colors

The familiar primary “Blue and White” color scheme remains as the club moves to FC Dallastown, but further defines the “blue” and officially adds gray and black as secondary colors.

The Mission Statement

Our mission hasn’t fundamentally changed and is condense down to the following statement:


Note: This information describes the current best practices and values to be focused on when representing the FC Dallastown organization and will be built upon as we continually improve our club.

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